Combines Gleaner F2


Can't get your email to work; got a 79 F2 diesel 4 cyl. turbo, very good shape, corn head, 13 ' rigid with pickup reel,about 2500 hours, $8500 CAN; live 1 hour north of london Ont. email me or call 519-529-3241.Ben.


Both machines should have the same specs. The 1977 F2 was the first year and was nicknamed short-tail stay away from those F2's. I have a 1979 that my father bought new that is on it's second set of cylinder bars and is pretty much retired. It is a gear drive and never have had any major problems or found any weak areas other than the lack of cleaning area in 175 bu+ corn.


I have 78 C_SB special.Don't know what differences are between denotations of models but I think it's options like V_S head drive(for corn head) and maybe "corn kit" for chopper etc..You can add anything to one you want.I'm sure either could be set up to do whatever crop to the max with no down side.All F2 long backs are good machines with excellant features yet very simple.You'll be happy with either one.81 probably has more monitor equipment but the more bells and whistles the more little nuisanceses when things act up.


For all intents and purposes, they are the same machine, and you would be happy with either. Have a 79 CS_Special,ran 12 years and have spent less than 1 grand on repairs over 1500 hours. Easy on fuel(diesels--4cyl turbo) easy to repair and used parts are plentiful since many early F parts will fit. Heads are easy to locate, except for series 3 Flex heads, and yours can be upgraded to accept a series 3 head. Can be hard to start in cold weather, and the cabs are prone to mice if not kept scrupulosly clean, leading to damage to the monitor system and cab insulation, but all machines suffer this with poor housekeeping. Ben.


I have ran an F2 Corn Plus for mabny years with very little downtime.Just do the maintenance that needs to be done. The Corn Plus was a package of options such as heavier feeder beater,corn kit for chopper,hydraulic swing auger,monitor system,extra slip clutchs.


Either way would be a good machine, if you take into account the wear on each. look at all sorts of things. We have an F2 and it works extremely nice, but we did so many modifications, I think we should call it an F4 or F5!!!! Whatever one has been taken care of better would be my choice. Good luck and let us know the outcome!