Have been having trouble with a 98 R-62 with cleaning light chaff out of soybeans. It seems to get threshed pods in the hopper. Combined 2000 acres and did not have any trouble until the last 500. It was cleans really good until about 4:30 in the afternoon then the hopper starts to get a little dirty. By 8:00 the hopper is half pods. I seem to be over loading the shoe. But I think that I do not have enough wind coming from under the chaffer to help blow the light pods out. I had heard that the there is an update for the 96 and newer machines that relocates the splitter to alow more push from under the chaffer. I was wondering if this could be my problem. If I slow the rotor down to 450 it helps some, but I end up shutting the chaffer down to almost 3_8". Then by doing that then I start to ride beans out the back end. Also have a 95 with the short shoe and do not have any problems, rotor at 580 and chaffer at 3_4". I just don't feel that the is enough air coming from below allowing the pods to fall through. Thanks