Combines Gleaner plant


Hey everyone. Im sad to hear of the plant closings but what im interested in here doesnt have to much to do with the combines but i will ask anyway. im looking on informaiton from the old Hesston line before Agco bought them. Im doing a report and i was wondering, what ever happend to the old Field Queen plantsIJ Where they shut down, or torn down and demolishedIJ Why was the Field Queen line shut downIJ I cant believe that it was from lack of sales because in the mid 70s to the mid 80s those forage harvesters were hard to keep on an equipment lot. The farm i work on still runs two of the side dump machines, but ive always had an interest in the company. One other thing, was Field Queen an independent company till they were bought by HesstonIJ Well enough questions for now, im hoping some of you can fill me in on this subject, all answers are deeply appriciated. Tyler Hall loysburg Pa


Tyler - I can't help you on the Hesston thing, but I can suggest a site that you may find more info than you will here. Even the genius minds, rocket scientists, poets, medicine men, and preachers that frequent this board don't know EVERYTHING!! Click on the link below: