Combines Gleaners on the harvest run


Your observations are very interesting. The propaganda from the green side of the fence isnt always accurate. Many guys hate combining but I actually enjoy running my 12-year-old R60. It is about the only time of the year I get a chance to sit back and relax. Most days will find me in the cab with my shoes under the seat because there is nothing to do besides operating the steering wheel. Wouldnt it be nice if someone would figure out a way to raise the head at the end of the row! Tom in MN


Wouldn't it be nice, instead of a steering wheel, there would be a joystick to do the steering.


Wouldn't it be nice, instead of a steering wheel, there would be a joystick to do the steering.


IH used to make combines somewhat like that back in the sixties, one of our neighbors just sold theirs. Neat little machine, had 2 levers instead of a steering wheel that controlled both direction and ground speed, then instead of regular rear wheels they were caster type. I think he did like 20 acres of beans, then wheat the following year for who knows how long. YoungFeller


I am assuming there would be 1 joystick, not 2 and it would operate the steering orbit motor in the steering console.


That is what I had in mind. Would also be nice for viewing header.