I'd say both, but the majority comes from the ears and cone. That little resivoir on the drivers side of the cone causes a lot of noise when it gets tough. If you dont run any sort of sharpened knife up by the kidney, when it gets tough feel for heat around the bearing. If you feel any heat there, you know material is getting jammed between the kidney and the impeller wear blades. It may even be rapping around the bearing. Theres a small anti-rap knife on the cast impeller spider that will wear down and not do its job if too much material is let jam between the kidney and the impeller. Its very important if you run much tough straw to keep a good square edge on the kidney and sharpened knives adjusted up close to the kidney. As I'm sure you allready know, if the stuff makes past the impellers and ropes up in the concave area, it will thump and rumble. There are a lot of variables depending on your crops and climate. I cut the tips off my impellers. That quieted the machine down a lot and I can go earlier in the morning and later at night than I could before. But thats just my machine in my local climate and crops.