Combines Gotta improve soybean feeding


Have you tried mounting the 4" hose behind the cutter barIJ It will make the beans feed more even into the machine, especially if they are short.


make sure your feeder drum is all the way down and set the blocks on each side of feeder for max rock protection. your rotor speed should be 750 to 900 depending on conditions. they came out with a kit that i put on my 1020 its called crop deflector kit it goes on each end of head so it feeds in beter it costs 16 to 18$ make sure rock trap is emtied out at least once a day even more if you get dirt in there. the pitch of your reel makes alot of difference to. also make sure your wear pads and elephant ears are in good shape


We have very good with auger extensions on the platform , The operators manual talks about this ,And very easy to put on, and can be gotten through parts system , Bob


Good advice from the others. I would also suggest checking the timing of the auger fingers,and if the auger rides too high off the floor. See if you can add any links to the feeder chain to extend it out further toward the auger.The serrated bars should also help. Check every single thing with a critical eye from sickle to back of the rotor. A couple ideas from John Deere:the full-fingered auger and a cut-off "strip" further down underneath the auger.I know the fingered auger won't help you much now,but the way it has been received by JD guys,I would think there would be a good market if someone invented one for IH.Check a 900 series grain head to see that lower cut-off strip.It keeps the crop confined to a smaller area under the auger and helps it grab more of the crop coming off the sickle,since it is kept more forward.Hope this helps.


also if you have a rock trap make sure it's on the fast sprocket for beans, the slo one is for corn. dealer said fast for fast rotor speeds and slo for slo rotor


We had this same feeding problems with 1680 several yrs ago, Mecahnices give me all the un needed advice of lenghting feeder chain , setting stripper plates further foward, The 100% cure was reseeting the timing of the center fingers on auger , Which you adjust on left end of header, This worked, play with several setting till you can feed beans at maximum gorund speed,Good luck with harvest


next year caseih will have full finger augers on there heads


next year caseih will have full finger augers on there heads


next year caseih will have full finger augers on there heads


Is the full finger auger the same as the claas has had for 10+ yrs gotta love that north american technology