
Every year we say we are going to get a cart, but never end up doing it. We have three 450 bushel wagons that keep up with our 1660 just fine. Our situation is that we have two tractors that could handle a grain cart, a 7120 and 7220. Putting one of them on a cart would leave only one to pull the three wagons. We don't want to buy another tractor just to run a grain cart. I also doubt in a year like this that a cart would have been of any use to use. With the down corn and tough beans the wagon was back and waiting before another one was filled. Having only two people also is a factor in not running one.


We run two Brent (Unverferth) 674 grain carts with duals. They are extremely easy to tow, track nicely and with the 3" corner auger they unload quickly. The duals are a nice feature to help ease the compaction in the fields. I won't ever go without them as I hate the deep ruts you can get from bringing the trucks into the fields. Both our carts are constantly on the go between our three 2188's. Have two MX240's that pull them effortlessly.


The grain cart is the best investment I have ever made. It has speeded up my harvest alot faster, keeping the combines running along. Also, when we get done with a field, we dont have to wait for a empty trailer or box to come along for us to unload, so we just fill up the grain cart and move on to the next field. The grain cart always can catch up with us to the next field. Also, the grain cart fills up the trucks alot more evenly in one pass, so that helps alot. By the way, I run a UFT 680 with hydralic auger power. It has been added with a extension, so it runs about 800 bushels now. I have it hooked up to CIH9280, since its too heavy for my MFWDs, even with weights on them, plus too high too see clearly. I have my grandpa running it, since he prefers the automatic drive over the 9270 stick. If I am in the market to buy another grain cart, or trade the current one, I will go for 1000+ grain cart. Hope all you enjoy yours. later


Grain carts are the best thing that anybody can invest in it helps to save time and it help's to keep from getting bobtrucks in the field when it is wet and semis from crossing ditches and taking chances at getting hurt the trailer or semi and when it is real wet it help's by being able to get the grain out of the muddy field instead of using the combine and unloading on the go.


We don't have enough man power to run a grain cart. We do have a small 400bu. cart for muddy conditions. Generally when harvest is under way there is planting going on at the same time. My time is better spent getting in the next crop. Our neighbers with unlimited man woman and child power can afford to wait hand and foot on there combines.