Actually, something like that would work well for me. Already have the pickup truck. I have a customer who need 3 tons of ear corn delivered every 10 days, but does not have storage for anything more than that. Have other customers who buy 150 bu. of oats every month, but have no room for more than that. Tractor trailer would not be much use for me. That, and in a state like I live in, it costs much more to keep that truck on the road than in some places in the midwest, because of high insurance rates, higher taxes, higher licensing fees, etc. Plus, many municipalities are cranky about big trucks rumbling through their neighborhoods to make deliveries now. Then there's the CDl and air brake. Not worth it for the type of hauling I do. Now if I had 30,000 bu. of beans to move, that'd be different. Of course, I could use a mason-dump type truck for what I do, BUT, the older it is, the less likely it will pass DMV emissions tests, and if it doesn't, I can only license it Farm Use, which limits it to use near the farm.