Combines Grain Tank Problems


Wheat Reaper, I think inside the grain tank you can raise the cross over augers up by pulling a pin. I am looking at this in a book about the combines. We just traded for a 9650STS 03. How do you like yoursIJ What problems have u hadIJ What year is itIJ What size heads do you run and how fast do u run in what yields. THis whole STS thing is new to us moving up from a 9500, now going to a 30ft and 8 row. Any input would be appreciated.


It is a 2001 model. We run a 20ft. flex head on it. The yields have not been very good, so we have been able to run anywhere from about 5.5 to 7 mph. Beans are starting to mold and the pods are falling off the stems and also out of the pod. The 20ft. head doesn't even touch the machines full capacity, but anything bigger and it is hard to get around because we harvest in the mountains of East Tn. We haven't had too many problems with the machine, just little things. Had one or two sensors go bad and right now the AHC doesn't work. The header has had more problems. A couple of the main arms that allow it to flex are broke and we have had some problems with the teeth on the reel. Other than that it has been a great combine. I will get in the tank and try to adjust the auger covers. Hopefully that will fix the problem. It isn't that bad of a problem until we move to another field or something and we need the tank empty. Wheat Reaper


the covers should be in the middle holes,,,there has been problem with raising the covers to the top hole in the sts's pushes the sides of grain tank out....leave it in the safe........jake


WHEAT REAPER, just traded 10 9650-s, 3 sts and 7 conventionals for 7 9750-s. the 9650-s averadged 1800 sep hrs never had a problem with the unloaders. the machines cut wheat,barley,high moisture corn,garbanzo beans,canola,soybeans,pinto beans,navy bens,sunflowers,milo and dry corn . never had any problems with the unloading system. maybe just a run of good luck, who knows!!! lOl. AZCUTTER