Combines Green combine


I know what you mean about the turbo- had a friend that has a 9750sts and his turbo went out. john deere came out and put a new turbo on and they didn't clean out the oil in the aftercooler- guess what happen- They had a run away engine for about 8 seconds- scared the **** out of the 3 guys standing up there around the enginge- guys were jumping off there as fast as they could! Make a long story short- Deere had to replace the engine. Good thing it was still under warranty!


It is relative to the outside temps. Cold days they go. They get more fuel. Hot days they are dogs. Not enough fuel. This is caused by the electric fuel pressure sensor in your full system. Take it out and replace it with the old style mechanical one. Now you can add or remove shims to obtain your HP needs. CAUTION Do not increase the fuel system pressure to high as it has a relief feature that when exceeded will at the least bulge your fuel tank or possiably blow it apart. The fuel tank vent can not handle the volume of air pressure relief valve. From experiance.


sounds like the power problem could possibly be the fuel temp sensor or air intake temp sensor. You should go on the cornerpost and check the codes for address AOO (ECU) the feed accelerator light is probably the overhead control panel, ones built before Nov 2001 had some bad software