Combines hard rock hit on a 1020 FixIJ


It's fairly simple to change the cutterbar - just alot of guard bolts to remove and replace. We (actually my son) just replaced ours. It's a 25 ft; cutter bar broke for the second time the last harvest day. Somewhere around 500 Canadian$ for the bar itself. We put a lot of new guards on at the same time. Check that the support arms are in good condition. We had one that we replaced rather than weld it. I expect you need some new guards too. We got ours from AandI for about half the CIH price.


Hey Ed where is this AandI place you got guards for half price of CIH. I am from Canada also and am thinking of changing my guards on my 30' 1010 header. Thanks Big Al


AandI is some part of John Deere that offers parts for JD and other makes. Not sure but something tells me they are in Woodstock and Regina(no guarantees). Our local JD dealer can get parts from AandI (we got a belt for our 1688) and a local repair shop is also a dealer. I can give you phone numbers if you wish. Guards were $11 compared to 21 or 22 at CIH. BTW - We broke an axle shaft in the 1688 this summer. Had to use the AandI catalogue to identify the correct one to order!! Cannot do this from CIH parts!!


Case parts catalogues are available online on the CaseIH website.


I've heard that. I hope they are more accurate than the ones my local dealers have! You cannot identify the shafts for a 1688 from the dealer parts info. One set has 2 shafts of differing lengths that, as far as we could figure out, fit smaller machines. I do not recall if the other set is the correct part, just that both shafts are the same number. I have a CD from some years ago.