Combines Harvesting Corn

  • Thread starter KIWI__HARVESTER
  • Start date


I hate to tell you this but I've heard of guys trying that but I've never heard of anyone getting it to work. You really need a corn head.


How many acresIJ and how will the corn yieldIJ If the area is not that large you can get away with using sunflower trays and going slow if you have them. Just using the straight cutterbar front you will drop cobs and it doesn't take much to lose a lot of grain. Might be cheaper to get a contracter in if possible. john


I know we tried it on two rows of corn one year. We were choppin gsilage when a mojor gearbx went out on the last round. We had the combine all set up for soybeans so we used the platform with the real all the way out and down I think. We didn't drop too many ears at all, we wre quite surprized. The only problem I could see would be getting to much trash through the combine.


kiwi..i am a x nz from up north we have harvested with a open front itis not ideal but can be done....u have to cut the crop high just below the cob line..we run out reel fairly fast from memory to help pull the cobs over the knife u do take a little xtra trash in but the 7720 will handle it good luck