I agree with you that the leeway is better than a JD all crop head but other than the maintanence the all crop head does a better job than pans in all conditions. You forgot to mention the cadillac of all sunflower headers, it is the most expensive but is also hands down the best sunflower header available,The Sunmaster series sunflower head built by Westward Products, http:__www.westwardproducts.com_pickups_headers3.htm . They work great in all conditions and the biggest advantage is they have the least amount of harvest loss due to their shaker pans. There is also one other option which I only know from second hand experience, it is called CornSol which is built by Golden Plains Mfg, you install these attachments to your corn head in place of your factory deck plates. I have heard that they don't work so well in wet or green flowers but like I said I have never been around them. So here would be my choices: 1. Sunmaster by Westward Products http:__www.westwardproducts.com_pickups_headers3.htm 2. 3 way by Ray-Mac (lee-Way) http:__www.ray-mac.com_products_index.html 3. JD all crop header (be sure to get an A model) 4. CornSol by Golden Plains http:__www.goldenplains.com_cornsol.html 5. Sunflower pans (lucke Mfg.) http:__www.luckemfg.com_sunflower_systems.htm ) Just my 2cent, JHarvest