Combines has 9750 sts considerin 2388 disappointed


Can't hardly believe this. Switched from 2388 to 9650sts. love the capacity and ability to go out much earlier in "damp" and "green" beans and then stay out later. If some of the problems are "bugs" stick with it. From what I've heard, Deere is best at making sure it's right, no matter how old it is. I'm a new, and VERY satisfied Deere customer. Getting ready to change my entire fleet because of STS experience. Neighbor has 9750sts...traded in 2188 and 2388 for it. Says the only problem with it is that you can't find a reason to get out of the seat. This guy, his dad, and his grandfather all owned IH dealership at one time. Has been amazed by Deere quality and commitment to him. Everything else on farm is red, but he's probably going all green because of this. two cents.


We trade combines every year. For 2001 Deere had a price incentive to good to turn down. Previously we had been running a 2388. Traded for 9650STS. For capacity: no difference at all in corn. In beans, 9650 might have a slight edge, but not a wide margin. Reliability was a disappointment. The dealer did a good job in service, but it was still tough to be broke down couple hours every other day. They are both good machines. Each have their own pluses, but Deere does have some bugs to work out. Fuel consumption is also a negative.


I find it hard to believe you are broke down 2 hrs. a day. We run John Deeres, if properly serviced, a breakdown is uncommon. It seems that people have personal preferences and that enters more into it than anything else. All COMBINES that are produced in this time frame are dependable if dealer service is good and people service them daily.


You deere preachers need to be saying this back where you belong he is asking what the red people think of their combines it seems like every time somebody asks about any other brand we always end up talking about deere for once lets just answer the question asked which i think if you want to trade to a red combine that is just fine i would imagine just about any red dealer would jump at the chance to get you into a red one because it is pretty much a proven machine cause of the years of experience they have behind them now i can sit hear all day and tell you that this brand is better than the the others or vice versa it all depends on how you treat your machines and what conditions you will run them in i have run all of the brands 9 times out 10 my operators tell me that they would still rather have their axial flow combines out of anything else because they tell me they are easy to operate and service they may not be the biggest and most powerful machines out but they do get the job done just as well as the other colors


We ran a leased 2388 this summer in wheat side by side with our four STS's. The 2388 had an extremly clean sample but couldn't keep up with the STS. Here lately a person told me he would be able to tweek the 2388 to run along with the STS. I am happy to give you his address. Otherwise we are very disappointed about our STS's, too and have traded them off for CATs. I can give you a four page report on our STS's about last year. I have rebuilt 1680's. Since Case hasn't changed much to the 2388. I think they are build simpler than the STS and easier to fix. Other people must not like the STS either. The other color dealers in our area have already taken on as many STS as they can handle.


An excellent point, MX270, but could you try using some periods (.) occasionally within your replies; - makes for a whole lot better readin'! I demo'd a 2388 and leased a 9650STS this past fall and I found them to be evenly matched for the most part. In damper conditions the Deere excelled but the CaseIH seemed alot simpler. A 2388 WIll NOT keep up to a 9750STS, but if the extra capacity of the Deere is not an important issue, the 2388 is a fine choice. As a footnote, I logged 460 hours on the Deere with only 2 breaks, each of which were a couple hours to fix.


You would be better off with the STS in this case because of the speed, the sample dose not matter just as long as it makes the right grade