Combines Head size for TR89


The 88 and 89 are not even similar. I have had both. The 89 is close to a 99 except for power. On my 89 we run a 30' flex. Would never go less. If you have VERY rolly ground that maybe doesn't work, but the combine can handle it fine in 40-50 bushel beans. I would entertain offers on my 3 year old, very nice 89 with 670 engine hours if he or anyone else is looking for one.


John, I don't know why the dealer didn't know about the 89 being wider than a 88. I would think it would be a big selling point. I sometimes have to wonder about some of these dealers out there. I have five dealers I use around here and the closest one is the hardest to deal with, so I go 50 miles away. The salesman there is also a farmer and a TR owner so he knows what he is talking about most times. The TR89 is the same size that a TR96 was of 10 years back at 240hp. If you go to a salvage yard and get you the hopper ext from a TR96_97_98 you will have a 240 bu hopper like the big combines. I had a 1991 TR96 few years back and we had a 25' head on it. Here in SWIl the land rolls also and with terrain tracer we had no problems. We had single tires on it, now I have duals on my TR98. If you could have duals it follows the lay of the land better, but takes a 8 row corn head then. A 20' head would work also but you will find yourself going faster and then the terrain tracer has less time to react and not work as good. Is this a new TR89 or used one he is looking atIJ They told me last summer that all the 89's were sold out already. Not to many new 99's left now also. Good luck, IlNH