Combines header height control on R52


Cleaned all connections with electronic cleaner this am,started up and worked fine for @ 30 min. Shut engine off and came back this evening after @ 20 min and it worked!! Seems to be heat related, is it the electronic board in the HHC boxIJ


could be , When the unit quits working - check module to see if BOTH orange wires have 12V - it takes two sources of power - one from header switch - one from the 3 position switch to power the module. On the 4 wire harness that has 2 reds,one blue and a black, the black HAS to be grounded. If all this checks out - unplug the header harness at the header - turn the machine on and power up both header and machine clutches - then jump across FROM the wire on the 3 position switch that has 12v TO the BlUE wire in the 4 wire harness - it should raise, if not the module is bad, if it does then now jump FROM the 12V powersource to BOTH red wires. Header should lower if not the module is bad. If it works then you have a broke wire from the module to the header switchs - somewhere - to determine repeat the same proceedure at the header harness disconnect - if it works then do the same test at the header switch(s) - keep in mind both red wires have to have power to lower - jump the two together for continuity test.


my bad, i read the lower but not the first post - for those of you who have the older HHC might book mark that little epistle. As to your HHC 98 and later til the 5 series - it has a self diagnostic system. When it fails it will give an error code if something is wrong after the clutches are turned off. like one blink followed by four blinks which means the lH sensor is out of range high at some point in the last cycle. IF you get no error codes then would suspect a bad ground @ terminal n7 or partial loss of power to terminal n14. All this asumes that it fails to work in auto and the red light is on and not flashing. IF the light goes off during operation you have a total loss of power or ground and possibly as I found last week a bad header switch which was turning off the module. again - look for error codes - and as a last resort dealers have a laptop program that can be hooked up to the 9 ckt connector for anaylsis.


These systems have gave us basically no trouble. I have not even had to hook laptop in help with troubleshooting. I'd suggest Allisfarmer picks up digital meter and test leads that will clamp on to wires then needle pearces insulation. I'd clamp ground to module ground and then to one of the continuous currant feed. If nothing is faultering there under operation then move move the currant feed prob to wire that gets currant with header engaged. If nothing shows up hear than swap module with known working module. That is what troubleshooting in manual for error 45 suggests. I'd imagine it could be in switch box also if it doesn't see comunication. Before I condemned module I would have hooked up to laptop to be sure there isn't a later software version. Sometimes reflashing software or installing later version can take care of a problem like this. I believe he can have his dealer find service bulliton in attachments section of bulliton manual. I moved a copy of that bulliton to electrical section to draw my attention should I ever have a problem like this. I would believe he would have calibrated OK beings it works for awhile but may have earliest software if a '98 machine for that was first year of this system. Best of luck Allisfarmer