Combines header loss


If it is only pushing in the center you need see why it is flexing harder than the rest. Tighten spring or springs in that area to take weight off of the ground. If you have tube fastened behind sickle be sure it is allowing the bar to flex. You can likly save some beans with air reel or harvest more when pods are tough. Sweeps will help you harvest when crop is tough. Good luck


I would also check to see if you have dirt or mud on top of the skid plates! if you can get your hands on a 100 cubic ft a minute air compressor!! it is handy for clean down the header (combine) between crops and it good to clean out the skids plates every now and then. We find in our dry conditions that the flex front works realy well at the start of the day then get worse as the day go's on we then found out that if we blew the dirt out on a regular basis it would work like new. Some guy's around here actualy let dirt build up then adjust the spring underneath the front to make it work right then they don't have to worry about it for the crop their in. I would also check in between the feed drums at the poivt point to make sure that there isn't any crap in there as well blocking things up. Rolf


I had the same problem with pushing in the middle of my 820 flex head and found out that the feather sheet had popped out just behind my hose mod in one spot. One whack with a rubber mallet and it never bothered after that. I think I hit a bump on the side of the road when pulling over for traffic which caused the cutterbar to bottom out pretty hard. It was a frustrating problem but after I discovered what happened the fix was simple. Good luck John in NE


I use a gas leaf blower to clean out under header in the field. The air filter only lasts about 1-2 cleanings until it is plugged.