Combines Heavier will get lighter


You are on some weird drugs if you think the manufacturers will drop the price of a machine because it costs less to build. Their main concern is the share holder and profits not the sucker who has to pay the big bucks for the privilage of owning a new combine. They price it on what the benifit is to you, not the cost of production. Just like the chemical companys have done for years.


And when do you expect we will acutally see a Bi-RotorIJ Are pigs growing wings that I am not aware ofIJ


To make a rotor simialar to the bio- rotor would not be hard. To clean the material and put the grain in the tank would be harder. To lower the cost of equipment would really be easy. If you look at John Deere this is really shows up. If they didn't want to be so independent in production they could save a lot of money.


If you come to Kansas, you can see one. Unfortunately it's the only one.


lee, That is what I find so interesting about JD not pursuing the Bi-Rotor. Each part that a machine has required tooling. The design and manufacturing of the tooling is where a serious chunk of the dollars can go in a hurry. I had a chance to see the XBR2 once, and the design of the machine was so simple. The number of parts were significantly less than the machines of the day, especially the 20 series Deeres. I also had a chance to also go through the Deere plant at the time of 20 series manufacturing and the tooling for them was simply immense. I have always wondered if I was just missing something on this one or what. Somewhere in that corporate decision making ladder at JD the decision to "backburner" (possibly kill) the Bi-Rotor was a really bad one. Chuck


It's all about selling parts. JD has been a master at that over the years. look in a Shoup or Sloan X-press catolog and see how many more parts are needed to keep a Deere planter or combine running than IH or other brands. I would say they make more money selling parts than they do selling combines. Only Deere could take a simple concept(rotary combine) and turn it into a parts man's dream.