If this is a straight F, not F2 or F3, the traction drive is noisy, period. If the vibration you have is only with separator engaged the clutch shaft, bearings are probably all right. From what you wrote you need to tighten the traction belt before you ruin it. Basically you will be moving the combine main shaft rearward until you can insert a hacksaw blade between the driven sheaves on the clutch shaft. Tighten draw bolt with the bracket and bearing flanges bolts loosened on main shaft. The problem in replacing the clutch shaft, if you have to, is that the bell housing is next to the frame. You will need to lower the front of transmission (left) to get the bell housing and clutch past the frame. Forget taking off the tire, doesn't help. Best way, in my opinion is to remove drive shafts and shifting rods from transmission and then remove all but the top right support bolt (just loosen this one) and carefully lower transmission till you can get entire clutch shaft, housing, sheaves, and clutch off as an assembly. I probably have done this a dozen times on the older F's. This is a chronic trouble area for these machines. Replace the thresher beater, if it has a piece missing, as it turns the same speed as the cylinder. It also will effect threshing and bar wear if it is not doing its job.