Combines Hole in Rotor STS


Had one neighbor who's 9750 was completely worn out in about 2 years and 600 hours of cutting mainly rice. He traded it but a mechanic at the dealership said it was something like a $40,000 repair bill to get it runable. I'd heard the 60 series was supposed to be beefed up in high wear areas.


Deere has known about this since 2001. I had one of the first rice machines in 2000. It wore a groove right where the elephant ears_impellar joined the rotor. There wasn't enough meat left to patch it. I'm guessing it was right around the 500 hr mark also. The 9750 came with a two year warranty and Deere replaced the entire rotor, with new raspbars and tines, at no charge. I had them run a hard surface bead in this area on the new rotor. Also had them do the same on a new 9660 before I took delivery. No one at the dealership could tell me whether Deere has addressed this problem on new production.


where are the return put back in on the sts just wondering if it is falling in this spot of the rotor


The area that wears through is at the front of the rotor. Returns come in further back.


I have ran 4 sts combines all over 2400 sep. hours and I have never seen a hole in the rotor. Where do they wear out atIJ


Boyblue, I described the wear area in a post above. I'm guessing you don't run a lot of rice through your machines. Deere said the only folks that will have wear through problems are those that harvest mostly rice. In 2001, their position was that folks that buy STS combines won't harvest much rice.....hence it's really an isolated problem. Mine was the only one out of the 10 preproduction rice STSs with the wear problem. Mine was probably the only one that cut rice exclusively. Deere said that anyone harvesting mostly rice would_should be doing it with a CTS. I wonder what Deere's position is now that they have finally deduced that the STS is a better rice machine and decided to quit making the CTS. I've run both in rice and I think they are right to quit flogging the CTS and concentrate their efforts into making the STS a better machine.