3_4" or 1" impact wrench would be my first choice to get that nut off and to keep from screwing them dowels up. Im pretty sure a 3_4 is enough, have only had the n7 for a year now and am going by memory. If the 3_4" won't the 1" will. I think its better make sure the puller is lots enough for the job rather than heating the p.i.s.s (do we really need to censor that word)out of it and using a dinky puller. One guy I know had to remove a big pulley and was using a puller that was way to small and had the hole end of the shaft and id of the pulley red, and bent the shaft from the sidways pull of the threaded puller. You'l be better off with your hydraulic puller because it won't put that sideways torque on the shaft. Never know might come off just like that. Protect those threads too.