Combines How do you stop the Rumble


Your rear feeder chain and drive sprockets probably are due for replacement. This isnt an uncommon problem that can be avoided by replacing parts that have lived through one too many harvest seasons. Cylinder rumbling is an annoying problem that many of us have solved by doing some simple modifications that are shown in the Tips section at the left of your screen. I have experienced the same frustrations you are having but after spending some time and a few bucks, I have a combine that will surpass most other new machines as well as give a cleaner sample. You have a good machine but like all machinery, it will not last forever without maintenance. Tom in MN


Say if you do rplace the sprockets chaeck to see if your dealer has the two piece sprocket the bolts on....They won't save you any time on this repair but , if you ever have to go back in there or remove the shaft for some reason it'll save you them..... Had a customer with a plasma cutter that crawled up in ther and cut the old sprockets off and installed new two piece sprocket. Then called me to find out what flat rate was for the job..(smart @n$)


First Thing I'd suggest is putting the overfeed auger back in place. The guys in Odessa, Wa. found that the return to cylinder will build a mound or bunch up above the chain_door area, then it drops and slugs the chain. This caused them to jump chains, open rock doors, etc... The overfeed auger breaks this up, but with no pan most of the stuff just falls down and gets recycled. Hope that helps.


Amen to you, pardner. And thanks to all the guys on this board for pointing me in the right direction when I was having similar problems a couple of years ago. My R60 went from a rumbling piece of junk to a dream machine that is fun to operate. I can now pick top yielding corn at 5.7 mph with very little loss and no dockage from the elevator. My Hyperized machine cuts green, weedy beans while I sit in the cab sipping a soft drink. There is no noise, no rumble, and no fear of plugging. Combining is fun again. Tom in MN


Well put you hypersonic hyperthresher. Tom R got me humming this. Aaamen aaamen aaaaa amen amen amen.


HAllElUJAH! PREACH IT BROTHER! Seems like we should have an altar call after a sermon like that.


Hyper is just substituting for the regular Gleaner Talk Reverend - "The Apostle Tbran"!! I think tbran is doing revivals in the deep south right now! Trying to convert those who have strayed and lead them down the Silver Path. Brian is probably at his latest revival right now singing "I once was blind, but now I see!" I can hear tbran now - "Yeah as I harvest through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no Deere (or Cat!) for I have the meanest sonofabeehivin' combine in the valley!"