Combines how do you take off dual speed cyl drive


the gearcase will slide off after taking that nut off all as one unit. the rasp bars will have to be taken out but make sure they go back in same spots and the spiders all stay lined up. That way the cylinder stays balanced. Another option is to just weld the spider.


Which nut do you take offIJ It appears that there is a nut behind the dust cap, which has a tapered roller bearing next, and there also appears to be a nut outside of the dust cap, which has a washer bent to hold it. How heavy is the whole unitIJ The spider that is cracked is the one with the key way machined into it. It is cracked on the backside opposite the bolt that tightens it onto the shaft around the keystock. I do not think that welding it would hold.


the nut behind the dust cover is what needs to be removed. I believe there is a torque on that nut. the gearcase is not light, a chain and some type of hoist should work well.


To do this job right, you need to remove the right side tire. You need to support the gearcase from the bottom. Remove that inner nut and the gearcase should come off. Remove the rasp bars, but remember the high bar. When you install rasp bars back,you will need to level the concave. You also need to replace that inner seal on the gearcase. Talk to your local dealer and find out the proper torque spec of that outer nut. If you disassble the gearcase thier is some special tools you will need. This isn't a very fun job!


Thanks for the help. Will the high bar still be the same one if reassembled in the same way it came offIJ What holds the outer nut onto the cylinder shaftIJ It does not have a cotter pin or locking washer like big truck axles use.


Yes you are right about the high bar. About the outer nut, i think that thier is a washer with tab holding the nut. I could be wrong , its been awhile.


The nut that holds the gearcase on is a big flange nut that has the end of the nut distorted to cause the locking effect on the shaft threads. The big nut you mentioned with a tab bent over is what holds the low range torque wheel on. It only needs to be taken off if you intend to replace the outer seal or go thru the gearcase. Also, when you pull the retaining nut be sure to keep the special ring washer and the shims that set your inner bearing clearances in the order they came out. If you have any other concenrs or IJ's reply back here. Gg