Combines How does a CIH 1640 compare to a JD 9400IJ


I have a 1987 CIH 1640 w_466engine. I run a 6 row cornhead and up to 4-4.5mph in dry corn on level or gentle slopes. Plenty of power. As I understand, 1640s and 1660s have the same threshing capacity, but 1660s have a heavier drive train. I'm sold on rotary machines. They run smoothly and are easy to adjust and easy to repair and rebuild.


I run a 9400....used to run a 1460. The main reason I switched was due to dealer service but I haven't regretted the switch. Have run the 9400 for four seasons now with nearly no breakdowns. At this point I have no plans to switch back. I would say either machine will work for you and I would look at dealer support as my main consideration.