With 20.8_42 tires 4th gear 20mph Harvested in second gear about 7mph max 3rd gear too fast to harvest I also have rear wheel drive which engaged will slow each gear down.I dont know if the are making 7010 yet.
I talked with a Case factory rep and asked him about the 7010 his answer was"they will continue to make 2388's for the immediate future and the 7010 has been put on hold" I asked why and he said that as far as capicty wise it was not as big as the 2388 so harvesters would not buy it. Just my 2 cents worth.
i do not know if that is good or a bad thing cause we all know the 2388 is a good header(combine) it like we got a new header but we do know if it good enough to replace the 2388. i would think if 8010 was a good header then the 7010 would be just as good in the case why dont they just had a few more hp an then it wil be bigger then the 2388. The speed will need to be increase for over in australia it has to be at least 10mph(16kph)with 42ft fronts to fill the capticy of it