Combines How many Bushel hour for 2188 in 40bpa wheatIJ


In HRW wheat that is standing, dry, and easy to thresh, we've been able to run 6+ mph in 50+ bu wheat and a 25' head. That would be about 6 mph in 40 bu wheat with a 30' head. That seems like a realistic goal unless the spring wheat takes more HP to thresh.


To do an estimate fill in your numbers: MPH X 88 X 60 X width Divided by 43560 = Acres per hour MPH = Miles per hour 88 = Feet traveled at 1 MPH 60 = Minutes in an hour width in feet 43560 = Square feet in 1 acre Note: You may want to times the final figure by say 90% as you will not cut all of the time and all of the width. Example 6 X 88 X 60 X 30 _ 43560 = 21.81 Acres 21.81 times 90% = 19.63 acres per hour.