Combines how many of you hyper mod your combineIJ looking for a 62


'96 and newer had the longer shoe, high wire concaves, and 3_4" rasp bars. In my opinion, with that setup, you'd be fine to start running without the Hyper Mods - especially for corn. The Hyper Mods will come into play more with green stemmed beans or small grains. Gleaners were designed to work just fine right out of the box - the Hyper Mods are just icing on the cake. Go for it! Tom langan


I looked at my neighbor's corn field behind a '94 R62. He did the 3rd intake helical extension, and the 4 rasp bar_4 short paddle into discarge mods. I counted less than 1% loss. I looked at his Soy Bean field too, equally clean. Our 2% loss behind a '90 R50 with similar configuration looks terrible compared to his. We each have short shoes with near 0 shoe loss.


With no upgrades for the year you purchase some would be perfectly happy and others very unhappy. Depends on the harvestability of crop and what you're used to. If machine is needing a basic rebuild of the normal wearing parts it would be very easy to do a couple more things. Every year we have some more machines come to our area without feeder shocks and extended cylinder bars. I feel sorry for them machines if they were asked to run when the going was tough. Rotors that have the reputation for being fair weather machines surely haven't been hypered. I would strongly suggest third helical extention over feeder and rock door hump ASAP. Some more things will only be gravy on the spuds. Hope you find the machine of your dreams. Take care