Combines How much crop left to harvest out thereIJIJIJIJIJIJ


Here in central MO, there is probably about half of the crop left. Some guys nearly finished, others just started beans. Normally, this time of year we would be finishing up. Going to go look at some milo, maybe we can slog it out today and tomorrow before it rains on Sunday night again! Chads


We had another 2_10ths rain last night, Cut beans Friday afternoon till brk dwna t 6 pm Friday nite an raining again at 7PM We have right at 300 acres beans to go yet till done, I know few guys, Havent cut a bean or milo yet,South West Missouri here, Where 1 rain away from plowing some seriuos mudd


We have 300 acres of flax left (20% of cropped acres). lots of flax, canola, and late cereals left around SW Manitoba - maybe 20-25% or so. The flax we have left is some of the best I've ever grown. The one quarter we did combine went 32 bu_acre, the rest is similar. Heres to 6 weeks of dry weather...


90%+ done in south-central Il. Hope the rain holds off, not much fall tillage done. Good luck!CW


in northeastern kansas my dads 400 acre farm has yet to be cut. his soybeans have already turn but still the rain. is making it hard on the crop. leavenworth counties and atchison kansas are the only counties that havent been touched yet


We have a about 800 acres durum,sp. wheat and mustard left to go here in alberta snow finally melted might give it a go tommorrow


Here in Northeast AR all of the early group beans have been cut. All of our late beans are still in the field. Haven't been able to run in close to three weeks. Calling for more rain through Tuesday.


Finally got to cut beans yesterday,first time in the field in more than a month. (south east missouri) I have about 400@ beans left.(double crop) There's still lOTS of cotton left in the field(looks like a wet sock!!). Now they're calling fof 2-4" of rain starting today.


No harvesting in this part of Sask. since the middle of October. The snow has disappeared but no drying weather since. I've got 200 acres of linola left standing, otherwise done. Its frozen pretty bad and likely not much grain in it. I don't see much cereal grain left to go, just a field here and there. Quite a few flax and lin fields though. But a lot were written off by crop insurance I hear.


Got into Milo late Saturday afternoon, cut till dark. Ran till it rained us out Sunday at about dark. Cut some preety good ruts with the combine and leaving some pretty bad cart paths. Can't get a truck anywhere near the field. Rained another 2-3 1_2 inches last night. Some of my beans in a creek bottom will probably be under water. About 350 acres to go, with another 100 acres possible custom if I can get there. You can't get much done when you only get to run 1 good day every week or 10 days and it's tough when you do get to go. Chads