Combines How much horsepoweron a 1660 and do I need a specialty rotor for beans


I have a 1660 std rotor , chopper , 1991 . Cummins engine , has plenty of power , don't know if it was set up before I got it , probably was because it runs good . 20ft platform and 6r30 cornhead {JD 643} like the rest when it gets tough it rumbles some but power is no problem . Compared to a 1460 , I used my neighbors last fall was running it besides my son with my 1660 me taking 7 rows with the 1460 , son doing 8 rows with ours , after dark I could hear the 1660 hardly loosing rpms and the 1460 I was running had to slow down some because it was pulling pretty good , didn't want to hurt neighbors machine . Biggest complaint I have with the Cummins is oil consumption 2 qts a day when I got it with 1200hrs but hasn't gotten any worse at 2500hrs. If you have any rocks at all get one with a ROCK TRAP .