Combines How to keep green stems from slugging


Yes, my advice is to speed up the cylinder. We have run ours as fast as 600. You probably won't need to go that fast, but we're running about 450 loaded right now. Our concave is on 8 also. No green stalks though. BH


take the filler plates off of the cylinder if they are still on there. you don't need them for beans, wheat or will find that your combine will be like a new machine. some say you need them for corn, but you don't. we haven't had any problem with ours in corn.


Take the filler plates out. We are running 450 on the cylinder and 15 on the concave in our 9610 with 30ft head.


Yes, I would speed it up. I was running mine at 600 today. Dry beans, tough stems. Had the concave at 12. running 25 ft. head.


I am running in green stems so bad it looks like a shredded fence row behind me, but the beans are dry. Take a grinder and square off the edge of the flighting on the cross auger in your table tomorrow morning when you are not able to run, and it will feed way better. Might be your problem..maybe not but it will still help. I have been running about 400 rpm and I do have my fillers in. Wondering about taking them out, but don't want to stop working. How long does it take to remove themIJ GS


It takes 30 to 45 minutes to take them out. I would highly recomend taking them out. It would be greatly worth you time. Ours will more than likely never go in again where we cut corn and soybeans back and forth.


Thanks for the info.. do you get them out from the inspect door just above the top of the throat or go through the stone trapIJ I may do this tomorrow, I am able to groan through about 2.5 mph with a 20 cut, although these are by far the greenest beans I have ever tried to get. I had to put on an hcc orbit reel to get them to quit wrapping all over the reel, which it did. GS


We take them out in the door above feederhouse. We can usually run at least 3.5 mph in pretty green beans with 25ft head. It also has full fingered auger which helps.


FF auger is nice if you have a feeding issue, which I don't seem to, but will not help at all with wrapping. Our pods are all brown, with dry beans and the stems are very green with about 20% leaves still on there. Thanks again, I am going to try this today. GS