Combines hurtts


Hi Steve, Sorry for the delay. We're still in business and doing fine. The doctors opened up brother Tom like a can of tuna a week and a half ago so he didn't get the message that I forwarded to him from you. I'll respond to your questions tomorrow myself. We are very busy finishing harvest and tring to get the ground ready for freeze up. Brother Tom is well on the mend and will soon be bossing me around again. Take care. Dan


It is good to hear that the Hurtt who was hurting is now recuperating. We wish Tom a speedy recovery. Thanks to both Tom and Dan for the most helpful advice and excellent service. The rear chain stripper we got from Hurtts is doing a great job and rear chain problems have disappeared. Tom Russell


Tell brother Tom best wishes for a speedy recovery from the Frozen Tundra. I know it ain't much fun being laid up and unable to get around - was involved in a close encounter of the worst kind with a deer while riding motorcycle 'bout a year and a half ago. lost it doing 60 mph - leg broke in 6 places between knee and ankle, arm all skinned up. Have a permanent titanium rod in my leg now - deer is in the promised land. To top that all off, I managed to bend the first cheap chromed cobalt rod while trying to "help" around the farm on my crutches - had to go back in for surgery to replace it. I was laid up for about 8 weeks and it seemed like eternity. Tell Tom to get online and teach us some more tricks to make our beast Gleaners purrrrrr! It'll make the time go faster... Tom langan


Tom, Sorry to here of your luck on the bike. Maybe you should of had a newer bike with air bags and shoulder harness. Did you try CPR on the poor deerIJ Bless his or her soul. Tom did have laptop in his room and was ready to hook her up untill infection took the spunk out of him. I've never been under the Docs knife but have been bit by a Gleaner a time or two or three!!!! My oh my am I in trouble when he does get back on line and finds I announced his present day problems. Have a good one. Dan