I know very little about the Sunnybrook other than it is enclosed. What is the theory behind this rotorIJ At a farm show I once talked with George Kuchar about improving the performance of Gleaner rotories. He said the only thing he adds to these machines is a cylinder bar filler kit. He says that this kit keeps the material pushed against the cage for better seperation. He claims seperation is improved enough to reduce cylinder rpms by 100 or so. Appears to me that the Sunnybrook might do the sameIJ I can kind of see his point. One time in corn we removed all 8 low bars on sep side thinking that this would be one step up on the Hypers because with "no" bars (had forward bars on every other row and nothing on the others)it should surely slow material flow even more therefore decrease rotor loss. It failed miserably for us...rotor loss was terrible. We put the low bars back in and rotor loss was back to acceptable. We are not sure as to why it worked this way. We are thinking that the low bars were needed to keep the material against the cage. Anyway, just curious if the Sunnybrook is supposed to work along those linesIJ Thanks