Grain Quality will be ok cause you have to be doing alot wrong to get them to crack and then some. Can usually get good threshing when it gets tough. I usually close concave and speed cyl up a bit. Extender bars good ,no reverse bars for me,have the f2 bar made read to go if you need it,i would'nt worry about every other wire out of concave,shock kits good idea,three way chaffer sounds ok. I think that would work ok cause your crops are so different so cant get to specialised in one area. 15ft front does sound a bit small but them sort of yields are pretty good so can always go a bit faster it might be good in the hills. Are you sure its got P3 processor IJ How many hours IJ Check accelerator rollers for wear cause if they are worn to much , too much gets blown over the back no matter what you do. The whole reason they work so good on hillsides or any where for that matter ESSENTIAl ! Some one in the know can tell by looking at them but if you can tinker a pencil between them not good . Pretty sure pencil should ,nt go through or at least get crimpled then ok .It should have the bolt on replacements so easy to do and usually does'nt break the bank if you shop around. Good luck.