Combines IJ for CORNKING


I am from Kandiyohi Cty. all the wheat we grow we get from Zillers and yes I have had it go down but that is not a problem when it is all dead. Just lay the head on the ground and run it all through. It goes through like butter. And you get a very large windrow of straw. The guys that bale my straw, I sell out of the feild, they have used round baler little squares and the big squares and all seems to work ok. I do cut it short so there is lots of straw. last year averaged 45.00 per acre for the straw and then replaced it with turkey manure. I looked at mine today and think next week towards the end we will start spraying. like I told the other fellow on here at least try some then you know your self. We do set are combines up with the grain concaves and grain grates rather than the keystocks. Hope this helps F.R.


Thanks! Your comments make me consider giving my 2166 another try, even tho I have a neighbor lined up to combine with his JD conventional. I need the straw for the hoop barns. last year was my first year with the rotary and I had the small wire concaves, the smooth grates, chopper knives out, chopper pan low, chopper slow speed, and started when wheat was 16%. I had "silage" as a windrow, but I knocked the wheat out! Didn't get any baled. Maybe with all the wheat dead it will tresh easier so I can keep the rotor speed slower to save strawIJ I'm gonna try it with Roundup and see if we can bale anything. Thanks again! CMC