Combines IJ for Dan on sep grate


Yea I know how the R60 worked without being there if helicals are standard. Thats why Gleaner fell out of the game in my opinion. We have an R60 that we installed the dual pitch channel helicals and she is now one very very sweet machine. You wonder about cold up here. Well nearly all the cold you get we feel first and we've been making the news just like you guys down south. I feel sorry for the Canadians further north of us. Take care


Yes we put thick filler bars in to decrease aggresiveness of concave for the first time in sunflowers. Worked very well and then have played with that from time to time in other crops if grinding material to much. Depending on year and model of machine I have guys blanking off concave completely with sheet of iron or using cage material covers similiar to covers for seperator grate. As time goes on I'm becoming more convinced that there is just too much concave and or grate area for great majority of crops. As of yet I've been tring to reduce concave grate area carefully so it can be reversed but don't look like a problem so far in our area.