Combines IJ for Silver Shoes


Hey rforro, this is an excellent question you present. Glad you asked for my opinion, honestly the only reason we put the hose mod on the air reel head was for the prevention of ingesting rocks. I have ran both for a few hrs and I had my own question about it. As far as the air reel goes, well with the air reel you dont need a hose mod for feeding. The question you asked hmmmm, this is how I see it working. On the non air head I notice that in beans that are shattering some beans fall out in front of the hose mod and never make it into the trough. On the air reel you dont really seen any beans in front of the cutterbar shattered out, I am not sure if thats because the air blows them down to quick or if it blows them into the header. I havent really spent alot of time comparing the shatter I guess to see if the losses are different. I do know the 62 seems to fill the bin about the same time as the 75, but he is running a little faster with a smaller head. I really am not sure how to answer your question except with my own. That question is, does the hose mod keep more beans from rolling off the cutter bar that it prevents beans from getting past the hose mod from shattering. If it shatters in front of the cutterbar, those beans on are the ground although the air reel maybe blowing them into the header. I just love the air reel. The hose mod works for rocks but not drift wood. I had to reverse several times today because we were cutting flood beans and yuck, dirt and driftwood. Sounds like a sad country song. Great day to you