Combines increase capacity l2


I have ran an l2 for about 20 years now. We have installed a Winnobar shaker setup (was made in Manitoba, mounts above the front of the sieves) for 12 years or so. It lifts the mat coming onto the sieves, seems to help in canola and worked good in barley. We have also used modified concaves, Howard concaves, Rosetown, Sask., and it wasn't bad but didn't fit quite right so have gone back to original equipment. What kind of performance are you getting nowIJ What are you expectingIJ We have never been able to get much more than 400 bushels per hour in decent wheat with a respectable loss. But she'll do it without complaint all day long, straight or pickup. I'm running a Windrow plus with the 670T and it's now 18 years old. The way farming's going it'll have to last another 18 - with a little care it will! It's a great machine.


St. John Welding modifies l and M concaves to 9 crossbars instead of the factory 7 crossbars---gives you about 1_3 more seperation area---hardsurfaced w_ SQUARE edges.Will keep its edge at least twice as long as your factory one did.