Combines Installiing N6 Concave Filler Bars


I installed the filler bars because I was getting unthrashed beans in the tank and have continued to use them since. I set the concave at between 1_4" and 1_2" (as close as I can get without splitting beans) and run the cylinder in the 600-650 RPM range. Maybe I should try again wihtout them. I don't have anyone else to compare notes with in my area. My N6 is not hyperized. Thanks for your response.


With the new varieties of beans that leave the stems green and the pods dry you should not have to run your concave so tight. I run 3_4 - 1" and about 350-400 rpms, but your conditions may be different than mine. I strongly suggest you look into Hyperizing your N6 as you will not believe the differnce in capacity and grain quality. Plus you will have alot help along the way in this forum from the Mighty Medicine Men of Gleaner. What other crops do you runIJ


Pete, thanks for the advice. I'll try your settings. One other question, do you use any cage covers. I've been using just 2, the ones called "D" and "E" in the manual. My only other crop now is corn, although I have had wheat and cover seed. I'm located in upstate NY about 50 miles south and east of Rochester. Have had a terrible growing season, way too wet in the spring (quit planting group 0 and 1 soybeans 6_24 because it was still too wet) and then an early frost. Waiting for beans and then corn to dry down. Also will look into hyperizing this winter. Do you have some idea what parts will costIJ John


If you do everything except the seperator grate and you do the work yourself you should have less than $1000 tied up. I did everything except the seperator grate and had less than $750 in the upgrade. I found used P3 stars, two used forward bars and used helicals for stacking the thresher end from a bone yard. I bought new helicals for the extra rows that you add,a paddle kit for the extra set of discharge paddles you add to the rotor and two F2 rasp bars you bolt to the belly of the seperator. I am not sure about the seperator grate, you will have to contact HyperII for a price. I am told that the grate will cut your rotor loss to nothing. I did not do it because of time and money constraints at the time. I hope to install the grate in the next year or two. Depending on the amount of hours your machine has on it and care it has had you may find other things that need replacing once you get started so used caution.


Forgot to answer your question, I have never used the cage covers.