Combines Is the New style cross flow fan worth it on 1660


You'll get answers both ways. Give Marvin Gorden a call phone 1-800-745-1680. He'll share his experience on this with you. After talking with him I decided go with the Hillco Fan Kit.


Chuck, yeh I bought it yesterday. Paid 36,000 for the machine. 1720 engine hours, guts have been replaced too. They are throwing in a few belts and chains and delivering it. (140 miles) They are also adjusting valves on the engine which is some maintenance I've heard is a good idea. The only header it comes with is a 30' 1010 in real nice shape. So figured I'd do the fan update if its worth it, Still don't know, Is it something to really put on my priority list or should I just run it. Is the capacity that much better or cleaningIJIJ


Now that you have bought it, I hope that your luck is as good as ours. After three seasons (about 400 acres per season) our total repairs are less than $500.00 so far. By far the cheapest operating machine we have ever owned. As for the fan, I have to embarrasingly admit that I don't know which is which. We have the fan that is about a foot in diameter and uses many curved blades like in this picture: http:__futurefarmsolutions.tripod.com_2000.h14.jpg We have never had any problems getting a clean sample. Good luck!


If you have the original paddle fan one concern I would have is metal fatigue and the fan self destucting. It's not a good thing. It may cause damage in many areas costing much more then a new fan.