Combines Is there an


I think you should hear a verbal comittment from Regional Cat sales on future status, but I'm interpeting that only tractor line is being negotiated with AGCO. Cat Ag is allowing AGCO to sell their tractors and Cat is being allowed to sell AGCO field equipment. Sounds like Cat Ag. is taking a step up to be a bigger player in Ag. Division to me.


We feel just like you, as you can tell from my post a little further down the page. Why don't you go to the CAT website, find out some names of some CEOs and call or email them, like we do. Give yourself a voice in Preoria. If everybody does that, they should do something.


let's don't get too excited here, I think CAT owes us an explanation, but look at the resale of other combines in the current market, they're all pretty sick- ask custom cutters what it cost to trade 1 year old Deeres for new this year. I plan to call Peoria after the first of the year, maybe we'll get some answers.


You won't get commitments from regional Cat Ag reps. Their positions are being dissolved in the first quarter of 2002.