Combines JD 653A on a 1440


We run a Deere 224 on an IH with the cable controls, and it works fine. The system on the row crop heads works about the same way. Several organic guys around here run 4 rows on 4400's, and they all run them manually. One consideration might be that those suckers are heavy. The other thing is that everybody seems to think you need a variable speed feeder to run them, but several around here run em on IH's for Milo, and haven't found that to be the case. If you decide to do it, I could send you some pics of the control cable set up on our head. Chads


Thanks Chads, That would be appreciated. We don't have many of these all-crop heads here in SW Ontario to look at and the dealers don't know much about them. has quite a few listed but pictures only show so much. We run a 963 corn head would the 653 be much differentIJ Thanks


I don'thing that there would be much difference in weight between the 963 and the 653. But, I have no proof. You ought to be able to get a shipping weight out of a manual, I'd think a JD dealer should have it. I've never run one of those heads in beans, only Milo. I do know that if you have a lot of foxtail and fine grasses the rotary knives can be a problem, got to keep good backing plates and keep the tolerances adjusted. We sold our 453 to a neighbor to use on a Gleaner F2, and they got along good till it got muddy. Then the outside row wanted to collect too much mud from the last pass. Shouldn't be a problem with the 6 row on a 40. They were just controlling it by hand. Those units have about 6 inches of flex in the row units, so they are pretty forgiving. Chads


Chads- I also run a JD head on an older 1460. I have always just "watched the ball" but now I have another driver coming on and I would like to make it easier for him. Please send the pictures of your cable set up. thanks Andy -


O.K. will do. Be a little patient with me, as the header is in a shed at another farm. I should be there loading out hay this weeked, and will take the pics then. Chads


Thank you for your effort. I forgot the numbers in the e-mail, should read- -Hope I can someday return the favor. andy