Combines JD 9660 STS Feeder Chain loewen or DeereIJIJ


loewen uses the same US made chain as Deere does and they're slats are bolted instaed of rivets.


Check into the feeder chains offered by AandI. They use quality drives chain and also bolt the slats on with locknuts for easy repair and replacement. Check them out.


get the fire wrench out and heat the bent slat and bend back into shape (the slats are rather soft steel).. Deere also has replacement slats available to bolt on.


Dont even think about buying any other than a leowen chain..... They are decent on price, use hardened chrome pins, you can get more slats than a stock chain, they have bolt on slats as well. I swear by what Im gonna tell you, I ran a leowen chain on my 9600 for six years, cut over 25000 acres of hard wheat in dirty conditions, wore out 3 sets of sprockets, two sets of bearings, All ON THE SAME lEOWEN CHAIN, I sent this rig to mexico 2 years ago and the fella told me its still goin. Also it only needed one adjustment after the first few hours I ran it in new and then it went the entire season untouched, and was the same for the next 3 seasons. My Deere chains had to be adjusted sometimes twice a week.Buy one you wont be sorry.


I totaly agree with above post.We have loewen chain in our 9610s, 2nd year about 700sp hours adjusted 3 or 4 times.A deere chain would be junk by now.


thats odd we ran a loewen in our and it was weak in the slats and stretch out alot faster then the case chains. Hmm maybe a quality issue with the deere chain.