Dont even think about buying any other than a leowen chain..... They are decent on price, use hardened chrome pins, you can get more slats than a stock chain, they have bolt on slats as well. I swear by what Im gonna tell you, I ran a leowen chain on my 9600 for six years, cut over 25000 acres of hard wheat in dirty conditions, wore out 3 sets of sprockets, two sets of bearings, All ON THE SAME lEOWEN CHAIN, I sent this rig to mexico 2 years ago and the fella told me its still goin. Also it only needed one adjustment after the first few hours I ran it in new and then it went the entire season untouched, and was the same for the next 3 seasons. My Deere chains had to be adjusted sometimes twice a week.Buy one you wont be sorry.