Combines John Deere 8100 electronics


My email has changed to now I just have to change my registration! Downunder 7720


I have 2 8410's and I have had kinda the same problem. I found a few wires under the hood on top of the fuel pump that had been rubbing and were bare. When I fixed them it ran fine.


Thanks for the thought about rubbed wiring. lifted the hood - no rubbed wiring, but found that the flared fitting on the fuel line, where it goes from metal to flexible, to go to the water trap_filter, was loose. The fitting uses nylon type compression fittings, not brass. Tightened them up, but have not been out to put a load on the engine yet. I think that maybe the filters that needed replacing caused the pump to suck air at that loose connection, then the path for the air was still there after I fitted the new filters. As this fitting is way up above the fuel tank, no sign of a fuel leak was visible.


your problem might be a cracked soldering on the primary engine speed sensor in the injection pump.The ecu will derate the engine,trip a code n and switch to the secondary sensor in the timeing cover.the tractor will run and work likeit has poor filters and smoke and jerk around,it is in (limp home mode). I'am a JD tech and have had 8 8000series do this in the last 3 years. hope this helps


Thanks Deputy dog! That is what the service guys said when the air leak was fixed and it did it again. Service guy coming this morning to take the pump to have that sensor replaced and check that area of the pump.