Feederhouse_Header belt drive systems are certainly the way to go over a gear drive system any day. Through a belt drive system, more power is available to drive the feederhouse and headers, especially those headers which require increased power to drive (e.g. Geringhoff cornheads). The feederhouse gearbox drive_reverser has been the weak point on all 96xx + sized combines, especially thos operating with 12 row cornheads since the 9600 first debuted. The current gearbox is a carryover from the xx20 series combines and hasn't been very quick to conform to the industry trends of driving larger heads. Even the new 60 series Deere combine haven't a feederhouse header drive_reverser to drive current heads. If you look carefully, you will notice that on the European 9880 STS combines (same as the 9860 STS),awaiting export in e. Moline, the Feederhouse gearbox is a much larger and robust gearbox that those offered on the new 60 series. At last look, very few 12 row cornheads operate in Europe where 9880's arfe marketed and a 9 meter head (30' platform) is about the largest header one will see.