Combines keystock grates disrupters for wheatIJ


We didn't think we could get by with 3 keystock grates in wheat so we just put one in the rear position will all 9 disruptors mounted in it. later I learned that the disruptors are available for the slotted grates also. If you really want to destroy the straw for no till, I would suggest putting all 9 in the rear grate and using the rice spike bars also. That should get you nearly the performance of a chopper, especially when the straw is dry.


I do make The Disrupter lugs for flat grates, but fix your concaves. Wheat is very hard to thrash and you need good square edges on yor concave bars. Either new ones or rebuilts. We do rebuilts for $675.00 per set.Sharpen them up, add the flat grate Disrupters and put them in the recomended placement. The best cutting action is in the front grate. Placing all of the Disrupters in the back grate will cause to much power loss. I will mix a set of Disrupters if you like, some for the keystock and some for the flat. If you have questions please call me at 1-800 235-4461 Estes Mfg. Co. ask for Don.