Combines Kit for feed floor


Is the latest version of the feeder floor available from partsIJ Is this a big improvement over the replacement floorIJ Is the price higherIJ I looked at a Kit at a dealer and the replacement floor (which is much heavier than mine in a 97' R62). The Kit cost more and I have had almost no feeding issues since using an air reel. My reason for asking is I have a hole worn in the floor and the patches are not holding.


That newer flatened floor should be available from parts now. I would say there would be a certain amount of improvement with this flattened floor but main improvement is the shortening and tilting the tail end of front floor. My kit 3 strand chain systems includes alot more than just a flattened floor. If you want just the floor I could sell you the kit for a four strand chain equiped machine for approx 1_2 the price. That kit does not include some things that I like to put in the 3 strand machines because the 4 strand machines have addressed potential problem areas. From what I have heard the replacement flattened floor from Gleaner is for replaceing the front 18" just like my floor. This makes me think they may be coming with a kit someday along with instructions.