The advice you have recieved on your shaker shoe problem is mostly correct. It seems likely to me that your problem is a sheered key on the shaker drive shaft, most likely on the right side hub. This is the side that gives the most trouble. This causes the shoe to twist and creates stress on the drive. Continuing to operate the machine like this will also cause severe damage to the shoe itself. Also make sure the rubber bushing is in the middle of the 3_4 rod. This is there to take up vibration and keep the rod from breaking. Make sure the spindles that the rubbers go on are properly in place on the shoe when you tighten the rod. And yes there is some timing to do when you assemble the rubbers. Turn the machine over until the shaker arms are in the middle of their stroke before tightening the caps. This spring loads the shoe and reduces stress on the drive. Hope this helps you, If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me. I operate my own custom harvesting operation with four l3's from Texas to North Dakota. I do all my own maintance restoration and upgrades myself.