Hmmm, your combine might be developing a mental disorder where it thinks it is turning into a Deere bounding around. That will lead to very expensive therapy!
_) OK I reread the post and think you mean your idle speed is erratic. This is a symptom of either a sticky metering valve or more likely the elastocast washer in the goveror retaining bracket is coming apart. IT will get worse gradually. If you are price weary, aren't we all, find a fuel pump place that will replace only the washer if they find it bad. Since your combine seems to run fine other than that this will save you a bunch of money. They will not guarantee their work, a chance you will take for as much as $400 savings. Some dealers have some old hands around that will do this. local shops do this for $300 or less. Complete rebuilds have cost us as much as $800. It pays to shop around and tell them a few terms like metering valve, delivery valve and elastocast plastic washers. Most want the business and will deal.