Combines l3 Questions


We always ran our chopper on the M3 we had in corn. If your having trouble chewing up the stalks I bet your snapping roller blades are worn out. You can bolt on new ones which will make a lot of difference.


I have an F3 and I run the chopper in corn. When my snapping rolls get worn I take a welder and run a bead along the roll and this makes it more agressive and we have been doing this for years John


yes this works, but be sure to ground the welder to the blade or roll being welded. Otherwise the current can go through the bearing and arc resulting in bearing failure eventually.


We do just that we have never had any problems with the bearings John


There is a dacal on the machines that states 'Running chopper in corn WITHOUT corn kit (heavy front chute, curtain, rear reinforcements) will void machine warranty. You need the heavy front chute and MUST have the curtain or serious long term damage WIll occur. Some of the cobs will fall to the rear of the chopper and be thrown back up into the top and ends of the walkers and shaker pan, eventually causing metal break up. The curtain makes sure all cobs go through the chopper and the front board is strong enough to with stand the 'foul balls' that don't intially get through the chopper. 71178857-curtain 71178860,71153397 shield Be sure to put the chopper in the small pulley or slow speed as well.


Do you mean that even by using the curtain, etc., damage to the walkers and pan can occurIJ Another question: We did some welding on one l3 this morning and after restarting the machine and then shutting it down again the air conditioning fans kept running. We replaced the relay with one out of the other l3 and it worked again. Went to start combining and halfway across the end the cylinder speed readout went wacky and the electic clutches started shutting down. Now machine will run but electrical stuff isn't working. Was this welding relatedIJ Think problem is solenoid under console or could it be relay back on engineIJ Thanks for the help.


I never weld on a machine with the battery hooked up, you can create a lot of problems. It does sound like the solenoid, we all have replaced many of these over the years. The last one I bought for my f3 required some drilling. I believe it is from a different manufacture than the original one.


Slow speed is BIG pulley.Tbran is dislexic so he he just got it backwards.He was correct,however, when he said "slow".