Combines lack of Power in 470R


I have never understood why yellow 470s have got Briggs and Stratton engines fitted our green european ones push over 400 now and were always 75hp higher than yellow ones since they came out. I would import Cat 470s into England if they had sufficient power, but they would not work over here either.


European crops are just that much tougher to thresh that they use more HP. If you put that much HP in an American combine, it would tear it up because you're running it wide-open all the time and they're not built to handle that kind of power unless they're being "bogged down" by the heavy European crop. That wasn't very clear. I hope you understand it. If you look at all brands of combines (i.e. JD 9860sts in US vs 9880sts in Europe) it's the same way.


Come out to the Pacific Northwest and you will see very dense crops of wheat in some of the most challenging hillsides where sidehill combines are the only answer. In fact this area known as the Palouse holds the world's record for the heaviest wheat crop. It is very impressive to see a fleet of sidehill machines in formation crawling along a 640 acre patch of wheat on a steep hillside.


hey bmoney7. Where can i get some good sidehill-picsIJ ive been to farmphoto, great ones there.


Cat-ilac, Cat protects their engines with a fuel injection pump deracking feature.Another words as raditior temp climbs beyond a preset point fuel injection rate is decreased.No,our coolant temp was only very slightly elevated,we were not running hot.If oil pressure drops slightly same thing happens.We ran into this symptom:ran great for a round or two or in the cool part of the day then once temp climbed,loss of power.We found our main raditor was partway plugged.We had to swing out All the other coolers to get to the main raditior.Cebis did not alert us in any way.Once the main raditor was blown totaly clean ran fine.Wish the book would explain this betterIJ Good luck! Tiger


Hey Catilac, i was just wondering if you are one of the guys that came to visit me at my farm in the bartlett TX area last week. if you are, i meant to get your email and info, but forgot. I can get it from the salesman one way or the other. thanks, Allen Meissner


Hey Allen, It is your salesman. You and the other Allen got to talking about this site so I wanted to check it out. This is pretty helpful. I don't know that the tips that I've gotten so far for the 470 is what is causing the problems, but at least I am learning what can go wrong with these combines and what to look for. I'll holler at you or your dad tomorrow and give ya'll an update on ya'lls tractor. Talk to you later, Jason


Jason, Email me back so i will have your address. allen